IGetMail Automatically Downloads email and forwards your email to your Exchange Server or remote SMTP Server

Support - Cell Phone Carrier - Email Messaging Addresses

When IGetMail cannot access a POP3 Server, IGetMail can send you an email message alerting you to the event.  IGetMail can send a standard email alerting you that access is interrupted and another when access returns to normal.  You can also receive a short form of this email that is suitable for cell phone text messages. 

IGetMail will send the short email message to your cell phone using standard email.  Most cell phone carriers support receiving email messages.  The cell phone carriers convert these email messages to text messages to send them to your phone.

Typically you enter your cell phone number "at sign" followed by the carriers email address.

Here is a list of cell phone carriers and what address to use:


Cell Phone Carrier Email Address To Use
AT&T <Cell Phone Number>@txt.att.net
Boost Mobile <Cell Phone Number>@myboostmobile.com
Metro PCS <Cell Phone Number>@mymetropcs.com
Sprint <Cell Phone Number>@messaging.sprintpcs.com
T-Mobile <Cell Phone Number>@tmomail.net
Ting <Cell Phone Number>@ting.com
Tracfone <Cell Phone Number>@mmst5.tracfone.com
U.S. Cellular <Cell Phone Number>@email.uscc.net
Verizon <Cell Phone Number>@vtext.com
Virgin Mobile <Cell Phone Number>@vmobl.com






Everyday, thousands of corporations, non-profits, and Government agencies use IGetMail software to download their email from remote Servers!  You can too!

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